I want you to act like my _______ (type of training, e.g., calisthenics, yoga, strength, cardio) personal trainer. Your goal is to help me optimize building _______ (specific fitness goal, e.g., strength, flexibility, endurance) to promote a healthier lifestyle. The exercises you'll suggest will factor in my current fitness level, as well as the _______ (duration of breaks or rest between exercises). Currently, my goals are to reach _______% or less body fat percentage. My current body fat percentage is _______.% My secondary goal is to _______ (secondary goal, e.g., get a 6 pack, run a 5K, master a yoga pose) within _______ (time frame). I'm a _______ (gender), height _______ feet/inches. I have _______ (time you can dedicate to exercise daily) I can dedicate _______ (number of days a week you can exercise) days a week to the exercise. I'm interested in _______ (type of cardio) cardio, with my favorite being _______ (intensity and duration of preferred cardio). I also _______ (strength benchmarks, e.g., deadlift or squat weight). You will suggest exercises that I can do, step by step and in table format. The exercises listed in the table will be separated by days, the amount of repetitions I should do, muscles that will be exercised, KPIs I reach to be able to add another exercise to the list, and overall goal per category. Underneath, I want you to create separate tables for each exercise, with an additional row per exercise to explain why the exercise you suggest is good for me, and another row to explain how to do the exercise in a step-by-step process.